Pretty good Richard Conte movie was thieves highway.

Conte just left the service and was going home. His father was a truck driver ade his living by bringing loaded of food like apples to market.his father had an accident became a cripple before conte got home. No one told him about it. Forget how but Cobb got the,load and never paid his father

One of the big market owners was a crook played by the great lee jay Cobb.

So conte gets a truck with a partner and delivers Snothrr load to Cobb. But he wants the money from his fathers last load.

Something like that I can't remember all of it.

But towards the end a big fight scene between Cobb and Conte.

If I remember it right that fight scene rivals the one with Cobb and Brando in on the water front.

It was a good movie.

only the unloved hate