Originally Posted By: Dellacroce
Originally Posted By: Blackjack2121
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: thebigfella
The only reason we found out about the ligambi - gambinos meeting is because of skins, we don't know about the meetings they've had that wasn't recorded, you just said you don't know nothing about philly then out of the other side of your mouth you swear there's no relationship between new york and philly, so which one is it, are you informed about philly or not???

There's no relationship between New York and Philly TODAY. I don't have to be "informed about Philly" to know that because I'm informed about New York. And they couldn't give a shit about that family TODAY.

Now I strongly suggest that we move on, and let the Philly guys keep this thread active before it gets out of hand and closed by the mods.

I didn't read what the squabble was about, but all due respect PB...that lunch meeting had to be a little more than a casual meeting between friends from NY and Philly

The Gambinos and Philly probably have some sort of joint ventures for them to meet up like that, unless the guys happened to be friends going back a ways, but with the people present at that meeting I doubt it.

My 2 cents.

The meeting was about philly having problems with the lucheses and they wanted the gambinos to mediate. John gambino was recorded telling nicky skins privately that "they couldnt do anything for them"(them being philly). Now remember at the metting almost everyone there had to be introduced to each other, which made it prettyclear that most have never meet before. It seems that most if not all of the connections between NY and philly would be through the philly newark crew(at thats just bc of proximity).

Other gambinos there besides the ones mentioned was joe gambino, lorenzo mannino and nick mitamoranda and ofcourse steffanelli. Daniel marino was supposed to be there but was indicted not to long before. The philly guys that were thete were ligambi, licata, fazzini, and staino. I believe.

Ahhh, I think its coming back to me a little..over Scarfo Jr?

Is there an article that talks about who was there and them being introduced and about the problems being with the lucheses?

the only articles i found yesterday when I was looking was taped conversation about Big Lou's making ceremony/the bloody shirt and about how the mafia need quality over quantity