Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Read this summary story and it'll help fill in the blanks.

Thanks for the link but it didn't clear up anything for me. If anything, I'm more confused now. lol

I did not consider that Marranzano was killed in the episode. I think the show's writers have been fairly accurate with real life events being portrayed. Marranzano was killed in his office in September of the year they are now portraying (1931). OK, one thing made me think it might have been September - when Johnny Torrio was sitting next to the fan and talking with Nucky it was mentioned how unusually hot it was for that time of year. That would mean it was not summer. Now, we know that Nucky traveled back from Havana since the prior episode but did the whole summer pass in the interim?? Anyway, I didn't even consider that Marranzano was dead and this link's author suggests he MAY be dead (more confusing now).

I still laugh every time I see Van Alden's face - he always looks like he is smelling something unpleasant. lol
