Originally Posted By: Belmont
I find it hard to believe that Gotti was afraid of DeMeo. He whacked a boss without commission approval but he was afraid of DeMeo, im not buying that.

Gotti was afraid of Demeo which is pretty much a fact. Gene Gotti was caught of wiretap saying that his brother wasnt interested in taking the Demeo contract because he had a "army of killers" around him. It was alos revelead that at that point Gotti's crew had killed less then 10 people and Demeo had killed much more. if that doesnt say that Gotti was scared of Demeo i dont know what does lol. Gotti was a tough guy no doubt but he did fear certain people. Hell even Big Paul at the height of his power intimidated Gotti.

Last edited by JCrusher; 10/02/14 04:23 AM.