Originally Posted By: blacksheep
I lived in SC for 3 years. Had NY plates the whole time. I didn't get pulled over often, but when I did, it was always an experience worth remembering. Fuck those cops down there

I had an uncle in Charleston. He split New York very young. Married a southern girl and set up house down there. He loved it, which is really bizarre for an Italian guy who lived every day of his life in urban New York up until that point. Anyway, we'd go see him every Summer. And all I can remember is, we had to stop to pick up enough booze to last the adults a week or so.

This was the late '60s, early '70s. Most of SC was still "dry" back then. So if you REALLY wanted to get those troopers pissed off, all you had to do was get pulled over with New York plates AND some hooch in the car.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.