alfa romeo, great post, very informative, especially about bosses being hit. youre right, how do we know the reasons. read the vizzini book a few years ago, its not mentioned much for some reason. its proof positive of lucianos heroin dealing I remember reading that he got high up in sicilys drug trade, also if I remember correctly the heroin came from france to be processed in sicily, he was working with a Sicilian one time and the man had lost an eye he told vizzini, "its ok I got another one" cant help from wondering why the book wasn't a best seller, its as if someone put the hex on it, ill bet hardly anyone in this room has heard of it. thank you for sharing your knowledge.

" watch what you say around this guy, he's got a big mouth" sam giancana to an outfit soldier about frank Sinatra. [ from the book "my way"