Originally Posted By: SC
TB, I was confused by a few things in that episode. One of the things was trying to figure out what Joe Kennedy was getting at with questioning Nucky about his motivations for being in the booze business. I can only guess it was a mind-fuck game by Kennedy and when Nucky took the bait and gave Joe an answer (about his motivation) Kennedy was pleased and went on his way to screw around with the singer.

That envelope that Nucky got (near the beginning of the episode when he was talking to Sally in Cuba on the phone) bothers me. I really have to watch it again but it looked like the envelope was addressed in pencil making me think it came from Gillian (who got stationery and pencil in the prior episode). Or, could it have come from "Mabel", the young girl on the beach in the flashback episodes?

The season is already over? How many episodes were there? I have HBO didn't watch any, guess they didn't really advertise it as much as they use too or I just stopped caring

Yeah Your Gangster Alright!!
Keep making excuses on why our country is in bad shape just admit your a hump already