Giacomo I just want to kiss you on both cheeks or make you a tasty dish of gavadeel or both. You always have answers. At the age of 7 my Pops told me about the Moretti murder that happened down the street from his house. We were watching the Godfather and there's a picture of Moretti lying dead on the floor with Detective Joe Mossier smiling and posing for the picture. (The scene when they "hit the mattresses" and Coppola's pop plays the piano showing all the newspaper clippings) So you can imagine the effect that had on me as a little kid. I heard about Anastasia and Longy and the other men but Adonis was the one who my family knew. It could be because the Alfanos were from Naples and Avellino same as Adonis. Joe Adonis Jr and his sister were in the neighborhood, my Pop and my aunt and cousins knew them. Joe Jr ran a place called The Den right in town where everyone would go. My Pops told me that there was a huge tank filled with pirhana and Joe Jr or one of the guys would throw meat in there and love to see the pirhanas go at it. The guys went crazy laughing while the girls would scream lol. My Aunt said that Joe Jr looked like a movie star; he was so good looking.
For 36 years I have been asking questions, reading, researching these men and today I can finally say that my questions have been answered. I too, wondered why Luciano and Adonis had a falling out. Luciano was a witness on Adonis's marriage certificate. That shows just how close those two were.
You seem very confident in stating that those four Italian men were responsible for the hit in Coney Island. That's a tough one for me to digest but my Pops always said these guys will whack you as soon as look at you and those were the men he was talking about so I can see how they could very well have been the shooters. (I gotta tell my aunt about the chauffeur ) And I should have paid more attention to the DATES of the Zwillman - Boiardo beef and when they squashed their beef. My bad.
Thanks Giacomo you are Amazing...