Originally Posted By: Turnbull
One of the nice things about being a Mafia Don is that you get to make the rules for your family. One of the Don's prerogatives is qualifications for being made, and that may or may not include having killed someone. As Ivy said, probably no man would be made whom the Don didn't think would kill on orders, but that's a practical matter, not written in any "rulebook" (which doesn't exist anyway).

If memory serves, Fat Vinny Teresa, in his book, "My Life in the Mafia," said that Patriarca didn't have a ceremony for made men, complete with the finger-pricking, burning saint's card, kisses on cheeks, etc.--the stuff of legend that most people think is universal in Mafia families. "They just called you to the Office and told you that you were in," he said.

Teresa was also a big fat liar (literally!) who damaged his credibility when he testified against Meyer Lansky. He claimed he was the Number 3 guy in the New England crime family. Right. So what he said about how Patriarca making people has no credibility. We know for certain his son, Ray Patriarca Jr., DID have a traditional ceremony since the whole thing was recorded.

I don't disbelieve everything Teresa wrote about in his books. I think the prison info is probably pretty accurate since his stories about Carmine Galante ring true to his character and they weren't self-serving for Teresa. But everything Teresa said has be weighed by a scale (no pun intended) how self-serving his statements were.