Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
I remember staying in line for concerts or to see a movie. Who would have thought someday people would wait overnight in line for a phone. lol The times, they are a-changing.

When did everyone get so attached to having a phone with them? I may be overly old-fashioned but I just don't understand the attraction to having a phone connected to my face 24 hours a day.

I was out socially two weeks ago. A group of twenty people (ages ran from 20s through 60s). All but myself and one couple had phones in front of themselves and some seemed to be checking them every few minutes. You're SOCIALIZING ..... do it with the people in the same room as yourself! uhwhat

SC you can tinder with girls while at the bar see whose single and who wants to get down and dirty wooo wee !!! If her interest are twerking SC u know that's your girl smile

Yeah Your Gangster Alright!!
Keep making excuses on why our country is in bad shape just admit your a hump already