Originally Posted By: Benny3Balls
I'm thinking about checking out the new iPhone 6 myself. But i always say that when the new model comes out and so far i've never owned one.

I remember when Windows 98 first came out Best Buy opened at midnight and there was a pretty massive line of people waiting to get it. We were driving by and we asked someone why everyone was there and one girl screamed "for WIN98"! So i asked her couldn't you wait until the next day, do you really need it at 1am in the morning? lol

Ha ha Windows98 too funny, Microsoft SUCKS if you ask me. The only time I lose my temper is when I have to do something with Windows on the computer. My kids have Windows 8 on their gaming computer and that software is so f'd up that I lose the screen I'm on all the time. It just vanishes. APPLE is the best. I am definitely getting an iPhone 6 but gonna wait a month or so.