Originally Posted By: slick
Snakes you think Tom Forliano may still be involved? I think he is a year younger than Vena, and they would have probably worked together at some point in time. Also his son was arrested for burglary with Mario Rainone, who was close with Vena, and in 1989 with Jose Martinez, who has been arrested with Panozzo and Koroluk for burglary. http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1989-04-14/news/8904040097_1_burglary-chief-williams-scanners

First off, Martinez is from the neighborhood and was definitely a CNote - I have no idea where he is today, but he could very likely be still involved with Panozzo's crew. Vena was frequently contracted out to the North Side crew that Mario Rainone was running for Gus Alex. I'm sure those two know each other well, though I've heard most shun Mario now days (but not his kid).

I have no idea about Forliano, but if he's connected to Rudy through marriage, he may very well still be involved with things.