Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
How am I doing for an Italian American Catholic? lol

Pretty good except remember that Jews and Italians are the same - except Italians have better food.

My good friend Mr. Grossman used to say that the only difference between Jews and Italians was that the grandmothers had different accents. smile

Sorry to see anyone pass, but especially so out of the blue like that. RIP Joan.

My dear departed father was an Hungarian Jew married my mother Italian catholic originally from Naples. He was an original stalker. His friends had the candy store on Hun 10 strett Subway station. He saw her comming out of the subway.

He told his friends he was going to marry that women. Unfortunately for all of us he did.

He was more like us then we knew go figure?

But I do remember this about him when I was very young. The women with sit outside talking. When the Italian men would come home they never would kiss their wives in public.

They would kiss their men friends but not their wives.

My Daddio would kiss my mother in front of the other ladies outside. I seem to remember the other ladies would smile they liked to see him do that.

To bad his personality changed once we got in the house.

only the unloved hate