Originally Posted By: K1NG6
Originally Posted By: pmac
Keep in mind Nicodemo is THIS close to rolling (first trial tried to fuck with the jury, now he has ONE card left...)and then... Night night Philly.

I just don't see how you would know, or have evidence that proves Nicodemo is THIS CLOSE to flipping as you say. The Feds thought they would get Galati to give them everything on Skinny/Uncle Joe and Philly in general? That didn't work out. Now, exactly like that article says, they have "sour grapes" and just want to get Merlino on the parole violation because they have nothing else.

Galati most likely is going to be put away for the rest of his life, and it seems like he's going to keep his mouth shut. Why is it so inconceivable then that Nicodemo will keep his mouth shut as well? I've posted this before. I'm not saying that he won't flip - it could very well happen if he loses the case and is looking at life in prison. And, the only reason I think there is a chance he flips, is because he is still relatively young and he has a hot wife and kids at home. I just don't understand why everyone thinks it is a guaranteed slam dunk that he is going to rat?

With the exception of that puppet Ralph Natale, nobody that has come up under Joey's faction has become a rat since he's been in charge. And even Natale was around as an associate during the Bruno days.

I don't want to be considered a fan boy. I just have a different opinion. I will concede, however, that if Nicodemo does turn, that could very well be the final nail in the coffin for LCN in Philadelphia. Their numbers are already low. Most of the top level guys would be taken off the street and they would be reduced to nothing more than a street gang. I don't think there would be any need for a formal hierarchy at that point.

Buddy I totally agree with you, people on hear want him to flip so they can hear some inside stories about the Merlino mob, but like you said he doesn't have too many Rats that grew up with him, to me his south Philly crew are the real deal and they all were raised with the "Mob stuff" going on there whole life from fathers to uncles and so on...these guys ain't Rats, they really have proved it through the years with the cases they've been involved in...and I do think Nicodemo is going to beat it, not by his crazy allibye but I think they can get to a juror in a state case!!
I don't have an opinion on Galati.

"You treat me good I treat you better, you treat my bad I treat you worse" #respect