I know that I read in Casino that Nick Civella,boss at the time of the Kansas City LCN.He had Allen Glick brought to him in a darkened motel room.He told Glick as he out a pistol on the table that he wanted answers or he would not leave the room alive.Also,Glick had colpained about the light being in his eyes and Civella replied,"I can accommodate you by pulling your eyes out".Pretty brutal talk from a Boss.Obviously,Glick had felt he would have been killed that moment by Civella right there had he not given the info wanted

That's how Luciano used to roll, if we believe one anecdote that came down about him having someone in a room surrounded by his closest confederates, and him placing a gun on the table in front of him and talking softly to the person. That was exactly Luciano's style.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."