Originally Posted By: Signor Vitelli
I only heard this within the last couple of days, but Joan Rivers recently had her arm tattooed with "6M" - for the six million Jews who died during the Holocaust.

If you follow strict Jewish law (which she obviously didn't), tattoos are forbidden; you must leave this world as you entered it.

I am not mentioning this to judge in any way, only as a point of information.

Signor V.

That's interesting, SV. You know I'm not Jewish, but you also know that I worked in the Jewish community for many years and I consider myself close to Judaism. Without Judaism, there's no Catholicism. There's no Christianity at all, for that matter.

Anyway, I wasn't judging Joan either. I've known divorced Catholics who have wormed their way into Church weddings through sham annulments, and I've known a Jew or two who enjoyed a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich. Do you follow me?

Big picture and all that. If you're a person of faith, and you do more good than bad in this world, I think the man upstairs will reward you for it (tattoos, divorces and dietary laws aside). But that's just me smile.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.