Originally Posted By: Beanshooter
Sal, the big NY rats are not out in the open, Massino, Di Leonardo and Vitale are still in hiding. Leonetti is big time and although according to the Mafia Prince, he came into town a few times, he still did some damage and IMO he needs to watch his ass. Philadelphia guys are crazy.
Can you name the "big time NY rats" that you say are out in the open?

PJ Pisciotti and Dom Cicale are not only walking the streets, PJ is living in a luxury building in Manhattan and fucking Cicale is making videos on Middletown Road. And they both testified against Vinny, who WAS A BOSS.

Paciello gave testimony about Allie Boy, one of the most dangerous guys still alive. And he's living in the lap of fucking luxury at the Delano.

John Alite will be walking NYC any fucking day now. Mark my words on that.

Were these guys "big" themselves? No. But they testified against heavyweights and they're out in the fucking open.

Forget about Vitale and Massino. They're old men. Other people their age leave New York for retirement communities all the fucking time. Why should they be any different?

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.