In the 3rd installment if it does happen, I would love to see some new things and some things brought back. I think hand to hand combat should be in it with bats and other similar weapons included. Even being able to use the environment around you to do damage or something like being able to pick up a wrench laying next to a car and use it would be cool.

Also whatever city or setting it is in I hope they can make it feel more alive and not just something you drive through from mission to mission. More stores and buildings to enter would be great and things to do. What good is a great looking city if it has nothing in it you can interact with really?

I loved the music in the 2nd one and I hope they keep the soundtrack just as good in this one. I also hope their are more side missions and activities to do. Maybe having conflicts with other families too.

Being able to rise up from associate to soldier to capo etc would add a really neat feature if done right. To earn that promotion and be put in charge of a crew of guys you can dictate jobs to and areas would be awesome.

shooting from cars to should be added again. I think the idea of being able to influence the story depending on the choices you make like fallout would really be cool too. Say you are facing a indictment and you could choose to try and bribe a judge or break in and steal evidence against you. More options would like that would really let gamers feel like they are in control.

I've walked along the red canal of mars
I've known kings and king makers
Poets painters and paupers
I've danced danced on the rings of Saturn
Still your pilgrim soul is the only thing that ever mattered