Originally Posted By: DanteMoltisanti

I am a diehard Mets fan from jersey and I have never in my entire lifetime came across a Mets fan from the BRONX!?!?!?! Can you please explain to me how this happened?

There's a few of us. But it wasn't easy growing up around Fordham. I'll tell you that much lol.

But seriously, my Dad's an old Harlem guy. He grew up a HUGE New York Giants fan. They bolted for California in '58, which was a year before I was born. He couldn't forgive the Giants, so he didn't root for anyone until the Mets came along. In turn, he became a big Mets fan. And he
made me one, too smile.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.