You just reminded me of something I haven't thought about in YEARS.....

Back around 1983 I owned a 66'Mustang (289V8 wish I still had it).
Anyway, me and a buddy decide we're gonna drive to NY, stay at my Grandmothers house for a couple of weeks and have a ball.

Now the word was that you had to be very careful driving through Georgia, the Carolinas etc. with "Broward County " plates. As a matter of fact the Georgia highway patrol would pull this shit where you either pay the speeding ticket in CASH right there, or post a 500.00 bond IN CASH to fight the ticket in Georgia court. So either way your fucked.

Anyway the last minute before we left I put a Confederate flag front plate on the car and another on the antenna.

The speed limit back then was only 55. I swear we did 70 all the way though the deep south and nobody bothered us.LOL
