Originally Posted By: SonnyBlackstein
Originally Posted By: thebigfella
@sonny: even if the 3 guys you've mentioned philly is still in good shape, with the guys on the streets and the guys that's coming out, they might even be ahead of the game because they will have a chance to make a ton of guys that's not on the radar

All due respect bigfella. But Philly are fucked.

Scraping bottom of the barrel and another big clean out if management IMO will finish them off. Philly's always been too many chiefs and not enough Indians. God knows their management over the past 10yrs constitutes almost a third of their members. Philly's top heavy, and Anthony flips? Philly's bang in trouble as a viable family.

Keep in mind that people have been declaring the Philadelphia family as finished for years now. While the decline is certainly evident, the proclamations about it being finished have obviously been premature, though understandable considering the last 35 years of internal warfare, prosecutions, and defections. But when all is said and done, family still maintains some semblance of a hierarchy and has shown continued activity in ongoing cases in recent years.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.