Okay, so your an anarchist. You can believe in what you want about the government. I'm about seeking out the best evidence without jumping to conclusions, especially about some tin-foil hat conspiracy. Sometimes conspiracies are real, like the conspiracy to assassinate Lincoln, but there has to be evidence for them.

Yes, the Outfit has murdered all kinds of politicians and state officials. The Outfit has engaged in voter fraud...and murder...and bribery...and corruption. Nevertheless it's quite a leap from that to killing a President.

Hoover did go after the Mob for real starting in 1958. Convictions were hard to come by until the application of RICO laws in the 1980s and the Witness Protection Program. Why testify if they're going to kill you or your family? Even newspapers were part of the problem because they used to give out the names and addresses of jurors, leaving them vulnerable.

It has nothing to do with whether or not I believe in the government, it has to do with evidence. Until you visit the National Archives and go through their materials, and other archives around the country, you shouldn't be so quick to criticize. I already stated I know voter fraud exists, so don't put words in my mouth. If you want to convince people, show them the evidence and present a logical, reasonable case, just like they do in courts across the world everyday. I've gone out of my way to look at as much original evidence as possible and I've got an open mind, I suggest you do the same.