Ok,so what about all the politicans that were murdered by the mob throughout the years and other state officals?What about all of the CIA connections and plots?What about all of the corruption?What aboout all of the voting frauds?In the past special prosecutors reported details of voter intimidation,murder,kidnappings.After all of these examples of mob violence,murder,frauds,secret plots and corruption over government officals,i think that the entire mob in general,took a part in the JFK election and also assassination.

The same tactics were used even before,with the Cermak situation.Zangara was an anarchist and had mental problems,blah,blah,blah and thats why he wanted to kill the president but instead he killed Cermak?!I mean common,thats bollocks.It was written "MAFIA" all over it.After that Zangara was executed after 10 days without any real investigation.(Does this remind you of some1?)Corrupt politicans usually get killed by the mob and Cermak was corrupt.I have the same opnion about JFk but later he changed his mind(or maybe his brother became the problem) and that was the end of him and Oswald was publicly executed in a very fast time period

All of Hoovers operations were bollocks.He didnt go after the mob for real.Bobby Kennedy went after the mob for real.

I dont belive in national archives so much,they provide you with the informations that they think you should be provided with.I look at the examples throughout the history and i form my own opinion.Why do you think that they will provide you with the real infos and all of the wiretaps?Maybe a lot of government people would be implicated in the situation right?!Think outside the box

If you belive your government,than"there was no voting frauds","there was no conspiracy in the assassination","Oswald acted alone" and "Ruby killed Oswald out of patriotism"

Sorry but i dont belive in any government.And thats because street criminals,and organized crime in general,are the governments heritage and they use them for many favours and own greedy purposes.The government,the secret intelegence agencies know that with control over organized crime,they also control the lives of countless people around the countries.So the criminals expect something in return and if they dont get it,than theres a problem.

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good