Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
The only other possibility would have been the Park East Synagogue on East 67th Street. But that place is for a slightly more devout clientele (and I'm not making any assumptions about her dedication to her faith, but I've read that she considered herself "culturally Jewish," but not very devout.

If she was more "devout" the funeral would be held tomorrow (and not three days later as it is being held).

Of course. That goes without saying.

If she was a poor and devout Russian Jewish woman living in a fifth floor walk-up on King's Highway, the ritual washing would already be done, she'd be wrapped and casketed, there'd be a shomer with her all night, and she'd be ready to go out to Washington Cemetery on Bay Parkway and MacDonald Avenue first thing tomorrow morning wink.

How am I doing for an Italian American Catholic? lol

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.