I know this. Im a litlle younger & that possibly could be paul @ a much earlier age( i really dont think so) & that is not dave . I dont remember the other pics. Stroc , im not looking to get ina pissin match over a fuckin thread - its a waste of time . Ive told you on many occasions - i know only what i know & no more . If i say anything specific , refer to any exact incidents - it would be known( immediately) who i am . Sunday @ nido, @ the infamous "gangster ball" as its referrrd to jokingly, i looked at the people there i dont know, also ( i met people & was told their names) & i must admit - i kept wondering if one of them could be you . Also if u knew who i was , you wouldn' t be questioning anything & in the same respect i may not be questioning you if i knew you . So i'll leave it @ that .back in the day , you would have seen me w/ little Billy from chitwn whenever he came in. In fla w/A & D D' aug ,& here - ally , bonbon , occh ,loose , glen , john,& so forth & many many associstes , judges , black art , yelsky , giulianni, willis& on & on. So my ffiend til later.,arrivadecci