Originally Posted By: Red_63
I like your posts but I"m going to have to disagree with you on this one.

That's fine. I don't need anyone to agree with me. And I really never do this, but I've been here for eight years and there are a dozen people here who know me on a personal level, so I have nothing to hide. But did those boys grow up four houses away from where you're typing out your posts?

Because that's how far the grew up from where I'm typing this. Furthermore, they grew up with my daughters. I've known them since they were children. And I don't happen to think they're "bad." That's all I've been trying to convey here. If you, too, know them personally, then you're certainly entitled to think otherwise. But if you're just going by what you've read in the tabloids, I just don't think that's being very open-minded.

Again, they've made their beds and they're going to sleep in them. But it wasn't the crime of the century, and they're certainly not "evil."

And welcome to the board smile.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.