Originally Posted By: JCrusher
Gotti definetly feared some mobsters during his life. I mean all know he feared Roy demeo according to Gene Gotti's phone conversation with Angelo in 1982. Im sure he knew how smart and powerful the Chin was. Hell even Paul castellano made gotti sweat when Paul was at the height of his power. Gotti was only able to kill Paul when Paul was at his weakest point

Supposedly Gotti feared Paul Castellano as well. Bruce Mouw commented on how Gotti would become all concerned and nervous whenever Paul summoned Gotti for no apparent reason: 'Gotti would be shaking like a leaf' in Mouw's words. Of course, among his inner circle, Gotti would badmouth 'the Pope' and ridicule him and talk trash about him, but that all changed when he had to go visit Paul at the White House. And I'm sure Gotti's fear of Paul played a large role in Gotti's desire to knock him off.