I few days ago I found The Gotti Tapes book on google play for very cheap (if you don't mind reading off a tablet, cell or laptop). It includes Sammy's testimony and transcripts of the bug in the apartment above Ravenite. Reading their conversations, I get the impression that Gotti really was a guy who walked around high fiving himself all day. He cannot let Sammy or Frank say more than half a sentence without interrupting and finishing what he thinks the point should be. So I get the impression he feels very powerful and secure and don't think he worries about other families. He takes prison as a certainty too, he knows he's going quite soon anyway.

BTW he mentions Chin a few times. Chin has sent him a word that there's a guy who's he thinks is going to testify against Gotti and Gotti is going to have a meeting about it. There doesn't seem to be any ill will.

Last edited by Belette; 08/26/14 10:32 PM.