Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
So Marano actually did a lot of time. For some reason wikipedia listed him deported after only 2 years, it becomes less trustworthy as a source every day.

A curiosity: Tony Paretti was one of the only 2 executed for the mafia-camorra war, for the Morello-Ubriaco hit. But what was his role, was he one of the shooters, or was he one of those who gave the order?

Also: what was the role of Angelo Giordano in the camorra hierarchy? He was the other one executed, for the Verrazzano murder, but was he an independent boss? I read he even overruled the authority of the boss the hitmen he sent were working for: when they said they couldn't do a killing for Giordano without the boss's authorization, Giordano said they would die too if they didn't do as he said, and they obviously took the threat seriously, as they did the job at the end.

Just for the record, the Angelo Giordano in this trial lived in Mount Vernon and was a baker in Staten Island, and was not the same person as the Calabrian boss. The Giordano who was convicted was executed in 1921. The Calabrian was killed in Brooklyn in 1923.