Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: dontomasso

When Fredo "met" Johnny Ola at the party, Fredo looked stricken with terror...he didn't know how to handle the introduction. It was Ola who bluffed through it, and Fredo followed his lead.

I agree. But I disagree with any opinion that Michael suspected Fredo of knowing Ola or Roth. When Fredo arrives at the hotel, it is he who brings up the subject about knowing anyone in Havana. However, it is somewhat strange that Fredo seems to already be familiar with Havana: "It's my kind of town." he tells Michael. Despite his recent arrival, he seems to already be familiar with local drinks. At the nightclub, he suggests some local drinks to Geary et al.

I took that to mean that Fredo had heard that Havana was his kind of town, like Vegas. A place where he could have a good time. At the point where he makes that statement, we have no reason to suspect that Fredo had ever been to Havana, so he could be saying that based on what he has heard of the city.