I sent the picture of the Chinese guys Santa Rosalia to a friend of mine in Harlem.

He wrote back

Why not go to the Chinese Italian Feast (where?  in China?) since you missed the Giglio Lift last Sunday.  I was looking for you but I only saw Genie Boy from ahun9, so I only stayed a few hours to have my annual sausage and pepper sandwich and a few zeppoles, and then I left before they stopped lifting.  And since I was full from the sausage and the zeppoles, I didn't even stick around for the Giglio Society banquet in the church basement.

Man this fucking guy must love me. He leaves because I did not show up for the lift. My grand daughter baptismal party on Saturday. Sunday the daughter the communist and my grandson flew back to Germany. Also Sunday my other grand daughter flew out of the country to see her other Grand Parents so I could not get away to see the lift.

I must be the life of the fucking party smile

only the unloved hate