I am from South Philly and know most of the guys you are talking about personally. On occasions I am actually in their company. When I read some of the things that people write it can not be further from the truth. I'm talking about the chart for instance. First of all people are mentioned that have passed away many years ago. Antonio (Nino) Scigliatano is deceased and he is on the chart. Not to mention others. The Narducci name seems to be mentioned a lot lately and they are completely out of this life. There was mention that Nicky (Whip) Milano is with the Narducci faction. The Narducci's totally despise this little rat piece of shit. His testimony is all over the streets of south Philly. He made statements linking both the Narducci's and Joseph Ligambi in a murder many years ago. This is common knowledge downtown. Seems like some of the guys in Philly have no problems hanging around with rats. But the Narducci's are definitely not any of them. I hear on the street that they don't even speak to some of their own family members because they got them locked up?