Originally Posted By: bernabei
I understand the feelings of some on here, but remember I knew a different guy then. He didn't reveal to me he ratted out. So...I remember him as a friend who'd do anything for me.

Well, I'm sorry if I snapped at you. I certainly didn't mean anything by it. But if Charles Manson went into the program and you met him years later thinking he was a changed man, only to find out later who he really was, you'd probably be singing a different tune.

The Fish had murders on him that the Feds knew about and they covered them up because they wanted Fat Tony so bad. The guy was a piece of human garbage. His own son, who I've known for forty years, wished him death every day since the last time he layed eyes on him. That speaks volumes of the man's true character.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.