Hook was another great role from Robin. I watched that movie lots when I was younger. His role in One Hour Photo really was a creepy role and showed his range and possibly some of his dark side. As SC said, Robin really seemed like a decent guy. My friend met him in Hawaii and shared this story on Facebook.

"Ill never forget meeting Robin Williams in Hawaii when I was in the 3rd grade .. We sat beside him and his family on the beach for hours. I remember asking "Aren't you Mrs Doubtfire?"He then began to talk to me in "her" voice... It was a priceless moment that's always stuck with me. I'll also never forget when he stood on the coral reef and got in shit by the beach patrol and replying to them "I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD"!! And that, he was! An amazing man, so sweet and kind - RIP Robin Williams"

You talkin' to me?