Originally Posted By: Bugsyvegas1930
Originally Posted By: DoctorTwink
Originally Posted By: Bugsyvegas1930
Mayfield Little Italy still has great restaurants and quite a few former associates, bookmakers and Joe Iacobacci still frequents Nido Italia. Mama Santo's pizza there is legendary.

What about Youngstown and all the cities or towns around it? I'm sure there's still stuff going on there with associates/former associates who get into illegal gambling, betting, or bookmaking as it's been around there for a very long time.

There is definitely some illegal gambling going on with former associates, but not affiliated with Cleveland or Pittsburgh any longer. After the Strollo enterprise came down in 1999 with 72 convictions and after the death of Mike Genovese in Pittsburgh back in 2006, nothing more than some independent associates making book for themselves. Not nearly to the extent of what it was. Friend of a Henry could verify that as well.

Only because you asked:

The beginning of the end of the Pittsburgh/Youngstown LCN started with the incarceration of Jo Jo Pecora from 1979-1983. This led to John LaRocca promoting Michael Genovese his successor. instead of Jo Jo who would have been his choice. John died in 1984. Thus Michael was Boss.

Michael's desire for the abundance of available drug money let to his promotion of Chuckie Porter to Under-boss. Chuckie rolled-over in 1990 and the end was in sight.

Henry Zottola, was the last of Jo Jo's original Crew. Although he never wanted the notarity of being a "Made Man", he agreed to Michael's demand when it became apparent that Lenny Strollo was going off the rails in Youngstown. Lenny then answered to him directly. Zebo died in 1998.

Lenny rolled-over in 1999 and the end was in clear view.

IMHO Pittsburgh/Youngstown LCN, as we grew-up knowing and respecting, died in 2002 with Charlie Murgie.

A few months ago I was with an "old friend", a former employee of Joey Naples. He thought that if there was anyone left with any authority it would be Bobby I. I sincerely doubt that anyone of any authority, at least as we knew it, is left ;-(