I think Parisi was alluding that old style LCN, or just Gangsters of the past had some type of code in the past of simply not speaking out in order to save their own skin and reduce their sentence. Nowadays with RICO, changing economy, and family life, many will turn informant rather than to "die in the place" as Junior once said or have their families out on the street and on welfare.

Ultimately, OC is becoming a relic, a thing of the past as many American traditions have gone to the wayside, blue-collar jobs, educational wherewithal, small business, and work ethic. For example, Patsy and Burt tried to shakedown a Jamba Juice and ultimately failed as they(representative of LCN) were powerless in the face of a corporate juggernaut.America has become a corporation and Tony had it pegged in season 1 that the real criminals were the Rockefellers, JP Morgans, and Carnegies.

Back to The Wire, you have:
Season 1 - The Street Level Dealers
Season 2 - The Docks, Unions, and Greek Connection
Season 3 - Failure of City Hall, Police, and citizen disenchantment
Season 4 - The decline of the American Education System
Season 5 - Media warping and shaping American culture

Those that say Season 2 is the weakest of The Wire underestimate the Greek connection who move the drugs into Baltimore, they are the ones with real power who don't even get touched and essentially are in bed with the FBI. Who loses in this case? Everyone, the citizens of Baltimore, is who, or honestly the American Citizen. From the Dock Worker to the child caught in a drive by over "corner BS", to the overworked and underpaid peace officer, or School Teacher having to allow some of his students to shower in the locker room because their home life is so awful.

The Wire doesn't sugarcoat or glorify violence, it shows the fallout and direct after effects of the vicious drug trade of Baltimore and how it is ultimately perpetuated due to the betrayal of politicians, an inept police department, underfunded school system, and institutionalized classism.

The Sopranos tend to gloss over certain facts over their victims. Whatever happened to those old folks that had probably lost their life savings with with Chrissy's stock scheme? What about Ralphie getting greased and his son with having a huge stack of hospital bills and a possible learning disability? I'm sure his Mom is going to have a financial hardship going forward. What about JT Dolan? He had children and an ex-wife that he'll no longer be able to support, or Tony B's twins? Point is, a lot of victims and their supporting families will have very tough time going forward.