Originally Posted By: bobbyvegas
great list ivy

Originally Posted By: Dellacroce
in scott bernsteins recent article about philly he puts the leadership as Merlino at Boss, Steve Mazzone as acting boss, John Chianglini as underboss, and Ligambi as Consiglieri. and he had Borgesi at soldier. just thought i would mention it.

scott bernstein is from the detroit area and does an excellent job reporting on the detroit mob, but recently started reporting on different cities (philly, chicago, montreal, etc) claiming to have inside sources. i feel he is making a move he shouldnt make. he doesnt have the inside info he claims, hoping people believe him. its a shame cause i really enjoyed his work about detroit.

He did help with the Leonetti book so I am sure he may have some access to people out on the streets in philly if they trust him and dont just think he is a rat like leonetti