"In recent weeks, Franzese’s family members have written numerous letters to the judge to emphasize a different side to a man they insist has fundamentally changed in later life.
His 21-year-old granddaughter, Kristen Franzese, described Franzese as “kind, considerate, warm, and funny.”
“When he is around family he just loves to tell jokes, watch baseball on television, nap, and tell stories about the past,” she wrote.
Another granddaughter, Maria Vanessa Scorsone had written to tell the judge about how Franzese warmed to his year-old great granddaughte


Gengis Khan, Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler all had redeeming qualities too. Nobody, no matter how evil they are, shuffles around muttering "brains.... must eat brains" like a half-cocked Frankenstein.

Franzese is a mutt and he should have been given a life sentence a long time ago.

The sob stories you hear about these bastards angers me so much.

You have poor Kelsey Grammar having to deal with some mongrel appealing his punishment every 5 years and saying he's a changed, remorseful man; after raping his sister and butchering her over a period of several hours.

If you have "remorse" or if you are a changed man, you accept and come to terms with your punishment, make peace with your God, and you DO NOT add to someone's misery and pain by making them constantly relive the most traumatic period of their life by appealing every 5 years.

Rant over.

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.