Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles
Hi AG. I remember you from another forum, but can´t remember the name of it. It was Eric Ferrara´s site. It´s closed down now.

Gallos were actually close with Tony Bender. They often frequented bars and clubs in Greenwich village, Bender´s domain. There were rumors that Tony Bender, probably because power had went to his head (being the acting boss at the time) encouraged the Gallo´s rebellion against their boss Profaci. I think it was Bender who offered to speak for them in front of the Commission when they kidnapped the four Profaci underlings. So they were pretty close.

Welcome aboard!

Is that right? He went in front of the commission on their behalf wow.
I can ask you what happened to Tony Bender but that may be better left unanswered lol.

Do you think under a different boss The Gallo Crew would've faired out better. After all, I heard they were great earners yet Profaci was a greedy SOB and that crew was constantly kicking up to him but it was NEVER ENOUGH.

I was on Ferrara's site yup so glad to see u on here. You are the man!