Your enthusiasm about Pittsburgh is appreciated as well. I've researched this topic for over 12 years and actually know several former members and associates. Although Porter and Raucci got convicted in 1990, the Pittsburgh family thrived through the 1990's with unions, gambling, fencing of stolen property and loansharking. After Porter got convicted, nobody was dealing in drugs any longer. Mike Genovese relied on Henry "Zebo" Zottola, Frank Amato Jr., John Bazzano Jr. and Sonny Ciancutti plus they still had the entire Youngstown, OH faction that were thriving and getting rich off of black drug dealers by opening gambling dens for those animals. Lenine "Lenny" Strollo had every politican, county sheriff, several police chiefs,the prosecutor and a congressman in his back pocket by 1992 and it didn't come crumbling down until December of 1997 when 62 people were indicted in a racketeering enterprise throughout Youngstown. In Pittsburgh, they were still earning through traditional crimes. When Mike Genovese died in 2006, there really wasn't a "boss" as the only members left were John Bazzano Jr (who died in 2008) and Sonny Ciancutti (still alive in his mid 80's). Strollo and Porter are both still alive and living in the open. Porter still resides at 3999 Old William Penn Hwy and Strollo is living at 3900 Mercedes Place in Canfield, OH. Labor union infiltration has been gone since JOhn LaRocca Jr. retired from local 1058 and the other unions that they infiltrated were gone in 1987 when Jo Jo Pecora died. Sonny Ciancutti now spends his days at the Meadows racetrack. He still makes book through some of his associates such as Jeff Risha.

Last edited by Bugsyvegas1930; 07/31/14 05:12 AM.

Uncle Charlie once said; "Don't get into pissing matches with skunks."