Originally Posted By: kiladelphia_pistolvania
Shouldn't even be a debate. We crossed this bridge before and if PB says something I tend to believe it as he has not been caght one time bullshitting

That's nice of you to say, buddy. Especially considering that you don't really post much. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and Ivy is a dedicated student of organized crime and a disciplined researcher. His posts are always worth reading. I don't do half the research that guys like he and Hairy do. I just post what I believe to be true about people I've known, and a borough I've lived in, for more than fifty years. If I'm right, I'm right. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong.

It's clear that he and I disagree on this, so it's best to just move on. There are certain things that I can't back up with Internet links and government reports. And for some people, that's just not enough. If they didn't read it, that means it didn't happen. I personally believe that life doesn't work that way. Furthermore, too many posters on these sites believe that having the last word means they "won" the debate. And life doesn't work like that, either.

I claim no "inside knowledge" like a lot of the other mopes who claim to be "from the neighborhood." And frankly, there are certain things I'd NEVER post, even if meant winning a silly argument. I believe the things I post and I let my track record speak for itself. I've been right a few times, I've been wrong a few times.

My final thoughts on this, and I'm not going into it again:

If Amuso turns out to be the boss----and let me be clear, I don't believe that's the case----then so what? Who's the real power? Who's living in the palatial estate? Anyone seen that house? Well, I have. And I have to imagine that the view is better than Amuso's.

Now please, let's move on.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.