Originally Posted By: Garbageman
I think the program nowadays most likely caters to those who are not involved in the life and who are complete pussies.

That's a big part of it, GM.

Because the truth is---and some people won't like hearing this---some of the rats who are living out in the open are tougher than some of the guys left on the street. And I certainly don't mean mentally tougher. They are rats, after all.

And I don't mean all of them. There are some true tough guys left in the life. But if you send one of these kids who looks like Paulie from "Jersey Shore" after a guy like Paciello, what the fuck do you think is going to happen?

Now I don't know Paciello, and I hate what he did. Rats don't usually move me too much if they didn't hurt someone close to me, but he rubs me the wrong way. If that makes me a hypocrite, so be it.

But from what I've heard, Paciello can genuinely take care of himself. Aside from the fact that hitting rats brings too much heat, they'd have to send someone who's actually tougher than the target. And such guys are becoming fewer and farther between.

Originally Posted By: merlino
Exactly, the initail intent and violence of the mob at the start of this program is an excellent idea and probably extremely beneficial to hide people from the mexican drug cartels now but the wiseguys who rat just are not afraid anymore similar to posting whatever behind a screen....well said PB

Sometimes I get lucky and make sense smile.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.