Yea im calling horse shit, why dont you do yourself a favor and ask around or look it up if Jimmy the bear was a made guy. Thats goes right through your fucking statement of needing the Italians permission to kill, yea made guys did , but not the bear, he killed whoever he pleased with no permission. He was a freelance hitman just like Barboza. Never a made man in the Partriarca family. Yea i really do know Shea and know most of his book was bollshit and why dont you go look on the testimony page of the Bulger trial, the shit your saying they testified too is wrong, not all of it, but alot of it brother. Martorano testified they sent him and Joe Mac who was in Miami at the time with Jonny money, but it wasnt for the Wheeler or Callahan murder. It was taking care of 2 of their guys on the lam. In Reds book yea he says they told him that, but if you really knew you would know most of his book was garbage, made up shit to make him sound like he was a big timer. Just like when he said Bulger put a machine gun in his face and so many other baseless facts. Hey asshole do you not realize most gangsters that write books only give half truths or flat out lies. You made yourself creditless a long time ago fuck face with all your garbage about your grandfather, uncle, or father. Shut up you could get invloved deep, you proved how much you love these guys and what they do. So why wouldnt you get involved if you had the opportunity cause you sure as hell sound like you want to be a made guy. Hell your probably the boss everyone's been wondering about. And bud my sources are the streets. Not old men in the North End whose glory days are long behind them or books or the false testimony youve been talking about from the Bulger trial. Dont even come at me like that, fucking Joe Russo you call yourself, you fucking blowhard. We can turn this into something if you want. See i dont downplay the Italians cause im an Irishman, i know the power they held all over Boston, but you my friend are only going on a bias for the Irish cause your so proud to be an Italian, you cant see the other side of the coin where the micks were just as powerful. And you just proved what little you actually know with saying Jimmy Flemmi was a made guy. Not me brother, so go take a walk around the North End ask ask all the big timers you say you see if Jimmy the Bear was a made guy. Your fucking shooting for the stars pal.