Originally Posted By: mldetroit
I'm surprised more people aren't saying AJ. The kid wanted to kill himself...and he jumped into a pool with a 30 foot rope connecting his foot to a cinder block. And his parents keep like 3 guns and an Ak-47 in the house...

When his dad told him to clean the gutters....he honestly did not know what gutters were...

When his parents brought up the subject of a DNR for his grandma, he somehow drew a connection between this and DNA...

While I'm not trying to defend AJ and say he was smart, I think the gutter thing was more of being a spoiled brat than being dumb. He WAS stupid for many reasons, all the way through the last episode where he almost ignites his SUV while making out.

I voted for "other" because I think Brendan Falone was the dumbest, followed by Georgie. Brendan wins alone for his bad taste in women by trying to hit on Hunter, not to mention robbing a 2nd truck owned by Uncle Junior.