Originally Posted By: Alfanosgirl
Originally Posted By: SonnyBlackstein
Generally speaking Islamic Albanians are worse than christian ones.
Same with the Lebanese.

Read of that what you will.

Every time I read or hear anything about Albanians all I can picture is wiseguys on one side n Albanians on the other in the middle of the day at a Jersey rest stop. I think it was the Gambino crew and the Albanians almost had a big blowout.
I can't remember where I read that but the Gambino's had a beef with them over territory and were trying to settle it. I don't know how true it is.

It was blown way out of proportion. That whole crew of Albanians fell apart with one indictment, which is very telling.

But for the most part, they get along pretty well with the Italians here. In the Bronx, anyway.

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