Originally Posted By: tiger84
Originally Posted By: Marbala
The guy packed snacks to go out on hits. He didn't have to go he was one of the most powerful feared capos on the street. He took enjoyment out of it. And not only did he enjoy it but he preferred to do the work himself. The guy was a nut case and I know a few teenagers who suffered from the wrath of his murderous ways.

Why did he kill teenagers for

Patrick Porco was killed at Gregs command. In October of 89 there was a argument between the 15th ave kids & the 13th avenue kids. The fight was on Halloween and started over an egg fight. The end result a good kid Dominick Masseria from 15th ave got shotgunned and killed. The murder brought Detectives around and eventually fingers started to point at Joey Scarpa. Greg Got word that pat (Patrick Porco) was gonna flip on Joey and ordered him killed. Pat was killed and dumped on gravesend road in Bklyn. Little Linda is good looking today and was very beautiful growing. Not many guys were knocking at her door though. She eventually started dating Joe rizzutto who's brother Vinny and cousins Ronnie and Russell killed her brother Joey. And Greg's crew had a few more young victims from the 80's during the Staten Island college pot spot days controlled by the wimpy boys.

"He who never was can never be, He who was has always been and will always be." Sun Tzu

You can read about it, watch movies and TV documentaries, but chances are unless you lived it you will not truly understand.