Originally Posted By: blacksheep
Originally Posted By: Footreads
My father used to call calamari fish bait. Never would eat it.

Really? I would eat that stuff 3 times a day every day if I could without going to the hospital. I'm trying that recipe asap. Maybe tomorrow I'll have to go on a calamari run and give it a shot

What he did eat was eels from the east river he caught off a pier on a Hun 9 street. That I believe is still their today. He swam off that pier most of us did to except me. Never learned to swim. Never learned to ride a bike, but taught all four of my kids to ride a bike. Never went to camp. So what the hell did I do there?

Oh yes play street games, play football, play soccer, steal and fight. Plus get the occasional pussy.

only the unloved hate