No.. Because he lies in the book and in the article about Kane listing HIM in his obit. When in fact he did not he listed the Scarfos. Big difference. I'm not disputing they were friends back in the day before he flipped I'm am disputing leonetti claim that Kane was okay with that and I'm proving it with the article from G Anastasia's own pen. Leonetti said something years later that was not true and Anastasia went along with it.

In my book they both have no creditability and need to leave it alone already! How can u believe anything he writes or he says?! Fact is YOU CANT!

BTW- if he ever did pop in on Jr., which I doubt, unless he was wired up- do u really think Jr. Would make waves with him? The guys a serial killer and now a fed informant! Of course he would if said "I got no beef. Now I gotta go. " wtf is that? Jr. Is a smart man not a gun slinging thug.