I don't understand your beef with Phil as it relates to the Saul Kane article by GA. How is he "full of shit?" Because GA article didn't mention what Phil said in the book? Maybe GA just didn't print that part? Its not like they reprinted the obit.

I know I'm old but again I don't get what you're saying.

Hopefully you're not implying Phil wasn't friends with Saul.

I don't know if Phil is seeking publicity or not. I know he made a lot of money on his book.

People like GA reached out to him to get reactions and comments to Jr.'s (his cousins) trial verdict.

That's a fucked up family dynamic as once again Sr. was an absolute fucking maniac and Phil continues to strike back at him.

That's not him lying and him being full of shit IMO that's his continued hatred for what he harbors and perceives his uncle did to them.