Originally Posted By: Ted
Originally Posted By: blacksheep
Trust me I know about the bullshit aspect of taking care of the families, but that's why I was thinking that the genovese might be different. Nothing gets to a person more than knowing their wife and kids will be broke and desperate while they're gone.. again it was just a guess..

My theory (more of a guess, since none of us can know for sure) is that it's because the Genovese family makes sure that their made guys are earning and keeping money. Kind of bucking the trend of spending it as fast as you can earn it. It's a part of keeping everyone in line. Also I think their is a little bit more "spread the wealth" mentality than in other families. People on these forum frequently say if these guys weren't so greedy with their money, less made guys would flip and more money could be made. Though I doubt the Genovese do that to the degree some posters advocate, I think it's there.

Of course there are other factors. Their devotion to secrecy is unmatched. I've been wanting to start a thread for a while discussing how they are able to do that and other families haven't. It's definitely and "easier said than done" practice. Maybe I'll wait until this thread dies down and all discussion has been exhaust to start another thread.

That fits in to what I posted, Ted. I think it's because they do so much better for themselves to begin with, that their families aren't as dependent on friends and relatives for handouts when they go inside for awhile. Hence, no resentment when they come home.

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